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Our Great I AM

Writer: Olivia GraceOlivia Grace

Updated: Jul 28, 2024

"Then Moses said to God, 'If I come to the people of Israel and say to them, 'The God of your fathers has sent me to you, and they ask me, ‘What is his name?' what shall I say to them?" God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM. And he said, "Say this to the people of Israel: 'I AM has sent me to you.’” Exodus 3:13-14 ESV

I’ve read this passage many times and never truly understood what God meant by “I AM.” I acknowledged that this sets Him apart by giving Him such a deep name, but I did not grasp its significance until recently.

While I usually only saw “I AM” as a character description, my mom opened my eyes to a new perspective. What if it was not only a description, but an action? A sense of being and a sense of doing? He is love, peace, and hope; He is working in the mist of your life.

God is the Great I AM and there can be no other. This is the name He gives Himself. He doesn’t have just one label. As we know, God goes by many names and each name has incredible meaning. Each name shows us His character. Each names shows us how we connect to Him. Each name reminds us He is God. “I Am” does not have empty meaning. He is everything or anything we need in the moment.

In every aspect of our life, there is a characteristic of God there to fill it. He is here for us. He is working that problem out. He does hear you. He is enough for you. He is enough for you, because He was enough for the world. He completes it all; He is our all in all. Anything that we are lacking, there He is. Whenever we are tired or weak, He is there. Whenever we feel lacking or weary, there is our Great I AM. He is unchangeable and faithful to be there for every need.

Everything that we are bound by, God is not bound by. Consider time. I’m bound by it, you’re bound by it, but God is not.

He is just what we need because we were created for Him to complete our every need. In creation, we were created for Him to be our need. We have unchangeable purpose. We are born with a need for God and we die with a need for God. His enoughness is who we are.

Because God never changes, His faithfulness to deliver the Israelites is the same faithfulness He displays today.



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