Trust in the Lord
Updated: Jan 21, 2024
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5 ESV.
The Bible gives us this verse to open a way for peace in the middle of fear, comfort in the even messy, clarity despite confusion, and hope in the waves of pain. It allows us these things because of who God is. Because of God’s unfailing and unchanging characteristics, we can rest knowing that it’s in His hands. It’s not our job to figure it all out. Our job is to love Him and others, to embrace what He’s given us, and to trust Him.
It’s so easy to forget how good God’s plan is. It’s hard to see clearly when things do not all fit together. Sister, we have absolute confidence knowing that all things work together for good. God’s plan is flawless; He’s considered every outcome and has chosen the best one. Because His plan is perfect, we can trust that every outcome that happens is the absolute best one. He is love and He cannot deny Himself. His plans can not go against His character.
Whether it’s uncertainty, stress, relationships, hurt, or anxiety, life can fog up the truth of God's goodness. As believers, we must cling to the God who knows, the God who wills, and the God who controls. Our knowledge will not carry us into salvation. Our reliance is to be placed daily in Jesus.We do not need to understand everything to come to God or have peace. We do not have to completely understand God’s plan to be a part of it. First comes faith, then understanding.
His plan is perfect. He’s already planned your next breath, He’s already chosen the perfect match to be your husband, He already knows the names of your children, He has already helped you even through this day, He’s already forgiven you, He’s already strengthened you and He already has a place for you in Heaven. He has this plan for you because of how much He loves you!
He treasures you.
He values you.
He believes in you.
He rejoices when you come to Him.
It’s not about size the size of your faith, it is about who your faith is in.