Peace Amidst the Uncomfortable
I have learned that the reason for the most anxiety that I have is my fear that I am feeling the wrong way, that my perceptions are off balance, or that my thinking is not true to God's. I got it into my head that the emotions I was experiencing were possibly wrong and that they were something that I quickly needed to overcome and hurry out of. While we should not waller in fear and lostness, I believe there is beauty and growth that occurs when we allow and are open to God putting us through uncomfortable feelings.
By my prayer life, I have seen the faithfulness of the Lord. One day I would pray for strength. The next day I would pray for patience. Another day I would pray for clarity. As seen throughout my faith journey, God is faithful to answer my prayers; however, His answer is not always as I would predict it to be. In response to asking for strength, He would give me an exercise to train my faith. In response to asking for patience, He would give me a waiting season. In response to asking for clarity, He would run my lenses through a test of truth. Upon the trials that the Lord has given me, I was able to see growth in the area I prayed for. Take notice of this: sometimes, I forget what I pray for. When the trials come my way, I sit uncomfortably pleading before God to give me strength, patience, or clarity, but I do not realize that He is giving me just that. Based on that, continually asking for the same things, from God, is sure to show God's faithfulness in one way or another.
I must remember that it is not I who directs my steps, but the Lord.
God is at work.
James 1:2-4 encourages, "Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing."
Rejoice, oh sister! The tugging at your heart is God! The uncomfortable feeling reminds you that God is answering your prayer. Allow that waiting season to show you that God is preparing you. I have experienced the grace of God by being at peace in and through Him when I feel uneasy. I am confident that His final plan is perfect. If I am confident in the big things, I should be in the little things too.
That next step
That whisper of prayer
That kind word to be said
That call to stand up
That talk to have
That person to forgive
That hesitancy to obey
That breath to breathe
That clenched fist to let go
We should not be worried about our next step as much as hindering God's will, we are meant to embrace what God has for us with open and humble hearts.
If God is faithful to the fate of the whole world, He is faithful in that decision, that situation, or that feeling. Tell God what you are feeling; talk to your Heavenly Father. After all, He puts you through trials to bring you closer to Him.
If we are hesitant to open our hearts to Him, we should allow that first realization to be our first step. Let's not be quick to push away the pull of the Holy Spirit. Sit with Him and your uncomfortable feelings for a while. You will not want to miss what God has for you. It is okay to be uncomfortable. We can be stressed and it still be okay.
Allow this time of waiting to welcome God into a deeper relationship. Because God is gardening us, we know we are in good hands. He is pruning us. Pruning hurts, but it makes roses. It hurts for radiance, for beauty, for life. God's presence in us, through Jesus's work, is what gives us life. His presence within our trials or joys, our mountaintops or shallow valleys, and our season of faith or doubt, all point to His own desire to be with us. We must realize that because God is holy, He must prune the dead limbs so that we may live more abundantly. Therefore, we can sit in peace with our branches wide open confident that this is what we prayed for.
Do not be afraid to sit with your heart, alongside the Holy Spirit, when something is hard. God is on the move. When your heart is flipping through different motions, we see evidence that God is at work. He is answering what we have prayed for.